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1103 W. Oklahoma Avenue

Milwaukee, WI 53215

Store front of Wisconsins oldest running scuba diving store.

Contact Us!

Jerry's Silo Marinas

Silo Marina office
Jerry's cell: (414) 588 6764

Silo Marina Hours :

Open daily 8am to 4pm weather permitting. 

Best to call Jerry ahead 414-588-6764 

Located on the South Side of Milwaukee

Since 1970

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Directions to Boat Dock 

From the West: 194 to 6th St exit and turn left onto St. Paul. Go east on St. Paul until you cross the river and then turn right onto Water Street. Head south on Water until you cross the river again. Two more blocks just after underpass turn left onto Florida St. Three more blocks east to boat dock. 


From the north or south: Use I94 (41) and exit at National Ave - (59). Make sure you follow signs to get up to National Ave. Go right (east) on National Ave. until it dead ends at Water St, Turn left onto Water St. and go three blocks crossing 2 sets of railroad tracks to "Jerry's Dock" by large concrete silo building.  

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